Why You Should Survey Your Audience Before You Create Your Next Video

For many people, once they start video marketing they know exactly what they want to share in their videos. They understand their niche and they know what will appeal to their audience. This usually works great for awhile, but over time they find that they seem to be running out of things to talk about.

If you are stuck trying to figure out what your audience wants to learn about, you should really think about making a survey. Not only are surveys quick and easy to make, but they are also effective.
Think about it, when you make a survey, you are asking your audience what they want to learn. That means that when you create that video based on those survey results you know that you have an instant audience for them.

So let's say that you survey your list of dog groomers and they want to learn ways to give a poodle a French manicure. It sounds odd enough, there is probably no way that you would have ever guessed that was something they wanted to learn, but they do. You go out and learn how to give the poodle a French manicure and you create an exclusive video training series that you sell to your list. Boom, you have instant buyers because you already know that they wanted the product that you have just given them.
There is no more wasting time guessing what your audience wants to know, because a survey gives them the chance to tell you.

What’s the Easiest Way to Create a Survey?

Creating the actual survey is easy. There are many sites out there like SurveyMonkey.com that allow you to open a free account and start making surveys. You will be limited to the amount of surveys that you can make if you stay with the free account. But it is certainly a good place to start. Once you have created your survey, simply copy the link and share it everywhere that you possibly can. You can share it on social media sites, forums that you are a part of, and of course send it to your mailing list.

Give them an Incentive to Respond

You will find that even people who are interested in your survey don’t always respond. Either they don't feel like they can find the time or they simply forget about it altogether. A good way to make sure that people respond is to offer them something for participating. You can give them a free product, a discount code off of something that you have created, exclusive access to something that you have not released to the public, an advanced copy of the next product you create, etc. It doesn't have to be something backbreaking for you, (like a personal phone consultation), just something simple that your audience will enjoy.

One thing you want to keep in mind with your incentives though is that you need to have a way to keep track of the email addresses of those people that respond. Many free survey programs don't do this for you, so you might want to have a special "enter your email here" box for them to fill out.

Once you have your responses you can get started on your next set of videos knowing that you already have a hungry audience out there that is ready and waiting to buy your next product. Who knew it could be this easy?

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