Planning Your Video Marketing Strategy

Making your videos is the easy part, creating a strategy that works for you can be a little more tricky. After all, you want all of those videos to mean something, you want them to help you extend your reach and grow your business, you want them to take your business to the next level.

But more than anything you want your video to be the one that people find when they are researching your niche – and that has nothing to do with the quality of your video. The sad truth is that there are many video marketers who have put in the work and created clever videos that delivered a strong message and those video marketers still can't get their videos seen. What's even more difficult for these marketers is to see bad videos in their niche with thousands of views.

What is the difference? The person with the bad videos has a video marketing strategy.  When you have a strategy, it doesn't matter if your video is the best one out there, it doesn't matter if you have all of the bells and whistles because at the end of the day you know how to get your video in front of the right people. Creating a video marketing strategy is something you need to do – now.
What three areas should you focus on when you create your strategy?

Try to Create a Viral Effect

One thing you always want your videos to have is the viral effect. This means that people will want to share it, talk about it, thumb it up, and keep it going long after you have moved onto your next video. How do you make this viral effect happen? There are a few different options.
You can use the content of your video to focus on getting an emotional response from your viewers. This way they will be more than likely to share your video with others.
Try giving them an incentive to share. A good example of this is when you post a video on Facebook and you offer a gift of some kind to everyone who shares your video.
Use social media to give credit to others in your niche and get more views for your video in the process.

Make Your Strategy Easy to Implement and Manage

When you are trying to figure out your strategy, make sure that it is something that is easy for you to implement and manage. Sure, it might be tempting to have a daily plan of posting articles pointing to your video, making blog posts about it, and sharing it on social media, but how long can you really keep that up? Can you do it for more than a week or two while still building momentum in other areas of your business? When you have 10-20 videos that you are marketing, will you be able to spend time every day doing articles, blog posts, and social shares for each one of those videos?
Your strategy should be something that you can easily do over and over again. After all, if you are spending hours every day working on marketing the videos you already have, when will you have time to make more videos?

Make Sure Your Videos Push Your Viewers Into Doing What You Want Them To Do

The last thing that your marketing strategy should do is push the viewer into doing what you want them to do. This could be buying your product, signing up for your email list, or even just sharing your content. Whatever that ultimate goal that you have for your video is, make sure that your video pushes you towards that goal.

Using videos is a fast and easy way to grow your business, but you need to have a solid strategy in place. When you take the time to develop a solid video marketing strategy, you will watch your business grow beyond your wildest dreams.

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