4 Video Marketing Tips to Save Your Sanity

Whether you are new to the whole 'video' thing or you have been doing it for awhile the truth is always the same – video marketing can be a bear. Sure, creating a video is much easier than having to type up an article and uploading a video is a breeze compared to the waiting game people used to play when they would put their articles on popular sites like Ezine articles.

But when it comes to the marketing part of video marketing, things tend to get a little tough. Many people are downright shocked when they upload their video to a popular site like YouTube and they can't seem to get any views to that video. They didn't do anything wrong, and in many cases those videos look nice and they have a great message to them. In fact, the only real problem is that many times these people don't have a video marketing strategy.

If you are trying to help your videos to become more popular, here are a few quick and easy tips.

1-Add Your Video to Your Website – Instead of leaving your video on YouTube collecting dust, why not get the ball rolling on getting more views by embedding your video into a blog post on your website? You can allow people to comment on it and you can even send the link of your blog post to your email list for instant views.

2-Watch Those Keywords – Even though Google owns YouTube, there is no guarantee that a YouTube video will make it to page one – especially if your video is on a popular subject. To give yourself better odds, add your keyword into the title and the description of the video.

3 – Get Social – After your video has been uploaded, add the link to your Facebook page, Twitter page, and Pinterest page. Be sure to share it wherever you can online. Just make sure that you are sharing it with people who will actually be helped by it, that way they will be more likely to send it on to other people who will be helped by it. In other words, if I followed you on Twitter and I had a remote control car hobby I would never share your video on kite building with my race car friends – their interest is cars, like mine.

4 – Get Chatty – Get on the site where you posted your video, (most likely YouTube), and find similar videos to yours. Leave comments, follow those people on their blogs, and on social media. If they like you, they will likely follow you back and share your stuff.
These are just a few of the simple tricks that you can use to take your video marketing to the next level. Remember, when it comes to marketing online you can be a winner in any niche, all you have to do is get a little creative.

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